Tube Sealers

Currently using a THS177 Tube Sealer?
Need to increase your production volume?
Upgrade your THS177 to an MSTSS500 and receive a credit of up to $450!
Call one of our reps to find out more: West Coast (310) 715-6600 | East Coast (772) 783-8000
If your work involves cosmetics, laboratory work, production lines or research & development, IMPAK’s lineup of Tube Sealers was created just for you. Our Tube Sealers are made for small to medium-sized operations with single or dual heating elements, depending upon your specific application. All of our sealers use fuse protected solid-state electronics, are made in the USA and are easily maintained with readily available spare parts kits.
Now proudly made in our Florida facility.
Ask us about our new
"Constant Heat" capability
Email flprocessing@impakcorporation.com
for more information.