Vertical Heavy Duty Impulse Sealer
IMPAK Corporation's Heavy Duty Thermal Impulse Bag Sealers are industrial quality machines constructed from welded steel. All bag sealers are pneumatically powered and calculated to provide an airtight/watertight seal. Each bag sealer unit features a low-pressure safety close and redundant emergency stop features. The sealers can be constructed as tabletop units or in seal lengths of up to 300 inches. Each bag sealer is ideal for sealing ranges of material including polyethylene, laminated films, nylon and even PTFE. Sealers are available in either standard thermal impulse or with repeatable and verifiable controls for medical or specialty applications.
Every IMPAK sealer is an ideal replacement for all VERTROD STYLE machinery.
Vertical Vacuum Sealers are ideal for tall packages or freestanding liners in drums or boxes.The sealing jaw is height adjustable and perfect for manual or conveyor operations.

- Proudly made in USA
- Available in standard 30", 36", 42", 48", 60", 72", 84", and 96" widths.
- Standard or validatable impulse sealer
- Flat Band Elements (1/8", 3/16", 1/4", or 1/2")
- Round wire cut-off
- Cold or Hot-wire cut
- Scrap blow off
- Flying Knife
- Dual or multiple elements
- Water Cooled bars
- Water Chiller
- Vacuum and Gas Flush
- Opti-Touch safety Switches
- Custom Options Available
Send your inquiry to sealersales@impakcorporation.com or call 310-715-6600, please.

Heavy-Duty Vertical Bag Sealer

Compact Vertical 30" Sealer with Open Throat