various printed and unprinted minipouches

MiniPouches™ Small Mylar Bags: less than 6" x 8" (less than 190mm x 228mm)

IMPAK makes MiniPouches from almost any material that we have on the floor. We are known as a leader in the production of MiniPouches for applications such as lateral flow assays, diagnostic test strips, small medical devices, and other products that are sensitive to the environment. While many companies can provide medium-sized pouches, IMPAK specializes in the manufacture of pouches that others can't even make. Whether you need them printed or unprinted, we can supply MiniPouches to your specific dimensions with features such as load lips, tear notches, colors, eye-catching finishes, and unique shapes. When other companies tell you that it can't be done, contact us and we will make it happen.

lateral flow assay in mylar pouch

All of our Mylar bags are food grade and manufactured from FDA approved materials (except static shielding bags). They can also be used for non-food applications such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, compounds, diagnostic test kits, sterile medical devices, adhesives, automotive parts, machinery, electronics, telecommunications, defense, aerospace, exports, and many more. If you have questions about how to best package your product, contact our team. We can advise on anything from microsampling device packaging to aerospace applications.

Several of our MiniPouches are featured on our Overstock page. Because we carry a large volume of these pouches, we can offer them at reduced pricing. If any of them fit your needs, you could be looking at a substantial savings. Check out our Overstock selections.

Click to see full table of Mylar MiniPouches:

Highlighted products are high production items available at deep discounts

1" x 1.75" O.D. 3 side seal bag
About: 1.0" x 1.75" (25.4mm x 44.45mm) O.D. 3 side seal bag Quantity: 5,000 bags/case Fi..
two empty silver 3 side seal pouches
About: 1.0" x 1.75" O.D. (25.4mm x 44.45mm) 3 side seal bag with tear notch Quantity..
1” x 2.5” Mylar Foil Pouch with paperclip for scale
Note: This item is also available in case quantities (5,000 bags/case) About: 1.0” x 2.5” (25...
1” x 2.5” Mylar Foil Pouch
Note: This item is also available in pack quantities (1,000 bags/pack) About: 1.0” x 2.5” OD P..
two reflective foil pouches with fold over side and bottom loading opening
About: 1.125” x 4.0” OD PAKVF4 Silver MylarFoil StikPAK® with single tear notch Quantity: 5..
2 white stick pouches with tear notch
About: 1.125” x 4.0” OD PAKVF4W White MylarFoil StikPAK® with single tear notch Quantity: 5..
1.25" x 2.5" OD White SpoutPAK™ with 2.2 mm Reclosable Spout
Due to overwhelming customer demand, future production of this item will have rounded corners and is..
2" x 4.25" White Mylar Foil Pouch
About: 2.0" x 4.25" O.D. PAKVF4W with Round Tear notch Quantity: 5,000 bags/case Fill Fo..
Two silver foil thin mini pouches with tear notch
About: 2.0" x 5.0" OD Silver MylarFoil MiniPouch with tear notch; Quantity: 5000..
Two 2.375" x 3.375" silver MylarFoil bottom loading 3-side seal pouches with tear notch
About: 2.375” x 3.375” O.D. Silver 3 side seal MiniPouch with rounded corners and tear notc..
2.5" x 5.5" OD PAKVF4C White/PAKPM4 MylarFoil MiniPouch
About: 2.5" x 5.5" O.D. Clear/White MylarFoil MiniPouch with Tear Notch (3 side seal pouch) ..
silver heavy duty Mylarfoil long pouch
About: 2.5" X 6.25" O.D. Silver PAKDRY7500 3 side pouch with Tear Notch Quantity: 1,000/cas..
2.5" x 8.25" O.D. PAKVF4C Blue PMS 2945C  3 side seal bag with tear notch 1.0" from open end (1,000/case) - 025MFB0825TN
About: 2.5" x 8.25" O.D PAKVF4C Blue PMS 2945C  3 side seal bag with tear notch 1.0" from op..
2.5" x 8.25" O.D PAKVF4C Red PMS 199C 3 side seal bag with tear notch 1.0" from open end
About: 2.5" x 8.25" O.D PAKVF4C Red PMS 199C 3 side seal bag with tear notch 1.0" from open ..
white small zipper pouch
About: 3.0" x 4.0" OD White MylarFoil MiniPouch with ZipSeal and Tear Notch Quantity:  ..
3.0" x 7.0" O.D. 3 side seal pouch with load lip and tear notch (1,000/case) - 48MT0307TNLDB
About: These 3.0" x 7.0" O.D. 3 side seal pouches have a primary application in Medical fields, o..
clear medical pouch with pipettes inside
About: These 3.0" x 7.0" O.D. 3 side seal pouches have a primary application in Medical fields, o..
gold trapezoid pouch
About: 3.5" x 2.75" O.D. PAKVF3.5M Gold 3 side seal trapezoid pouch with tear notch 0.25" from to..
3.5" x 5.5" O.D. Brown MylarFoil Pouch - 3 Side Seal Pouch with Bottom Tear Notch
About: 3.5" x 5.5" O.D. Brown MylarFoil Pouch - 3 Side Seal Pouch with Bottom Tear Notch Panto..
3.5" x 6.5" OD White Kraft MiniPouch
About: Size: 3.5" x 6.5" O.D. White Kraft 3 side seal minipouch with bottom tear notch and 0.1..
clear medical pouch with semi-circle lip filled with pipettes
About: These 3.5" x 8.5" O.D. 3 side seal pouches have a primary application in Medical fields, o..
3.75" x 6.75" OD MiniPouch
About: 3.75" x 6.75" OD MiniPouch with Tear Notch Quantity: 5,000/case Fill Format: F..
4" x 6" O.D. MylarFoil Pouch - 3 Side Seal Pouch
About: 4" x 6" O.D. MylarFoil Pouch - 3 Side Seal Pouch (No Tear Notch) Side Seals: 9mm Qua..
single flat 3-side seal white kraft pouch
About: Size: 4.0" x 6.5" O.D. 3 side seal minipouch with bottom tear notch and 0.125" lip Quan..
front and back of empty chevron peel pouch
About: 4.0” x 5.0” silver foil / clear heat seal peel pouch with chevron seal.  ..
4.25” x 6” Green Mylar Foil Mini Pouch
About: 4.25” x 6.0” Green Mylar foil pouch with 3 sealed sides. Open end opposite sealed end with..
small with pouch with tear notch
About: Size: 4.375" x 8.0" O.D. 3 side seal minipouch with a 30mm Lip and Tape (5.75 mil) ..
4.5” x 6” White Mylar Foil Mini Pouch
About: 4.5” x 6.0” PAKVF4C White Mylar foil pouch with 3 sealed sides. This pouch does NOT have a..
printed pastry pouch
About: 5" x 6" 3-side seal label-ready printed pastry bag with window and tear notch. View window..
White pouch with printed cookie on front
About: 5.0" x 6.0" 3-side seal label-ready printed cookie bag with tear notch. Great pastry bag f..