Frangible Seal Pouches

Frangible seal pouches, also known as Frangible Seam Pouches, or Burst Pouches, offer a distinctive packaging solution where multiple components must be combined to activate the product. Originally designed for industrial applications facing complex single or multi-component packaging needs, these pouches keep ingredients separated until use. They are perfect for operations requiring pre-measured liquids, gels, or powders to be stored separately until activation, allowing mixing and dispensing directly from the pouch at the point of use.

A frangible seam utilizes various combinations of ingredients, such as two-part epoxies or a powdered product paired with a liquid activator. These components remain separated until pressure is applied to rupture the seal between them. The internal frangible seam requires applied pressure to break the weld that divides the two components, enabling activation through mixing within the packaging. This design keeps the contents inert and stable until required, ensuring a perfect blend when needed.

Here's a great example: an extra-large 16" x 36" frangible seal pouch equipped with a dispenser tip. Watch this video to see how to break the inner seal before opening:

Watch on YouTube: "Opening frangible seal pouch"

Contact us for custom frangible seal pouch capabilities.

two empty silver frangible seal pouches
About: 3.0" x 9.0 O.D. PAKVF46MCP Frangible Seal Pouch with Tear Notch  Quantity:  ..