Having trouble fulfilling your packaging needs?
Need a pouch that's 54" x 118"? How about 1.4" x 2"?
Need a customized sealer to double your output?
Need a unique fitment for a SpoutPAK™ bag?
Need as few as 1000 500 300 custom size bags in 96 hours?

IMPAK has millions of pouches in inventory for our major customers and a wide variety of flexible packaging products that have been used in a suprising number of applications. From time to time, the pouches we have ready to ship are not exactly right for a customer's purpose, and can't be found from competitors' offerings either. When a customer needs a product that doesn't exist, IMPAK relishes the opportunity to make it happen. The heart of our operation is in satisfying unique needs, whether the solution is readily available or presents a significant challenge. If you don't see what you're looking for, talk to one of our representatives.
Got a challenge you don't see here? Ask us.